Simran Boparai, a renowned architect, wanted a website that reflects her high-end residential projects. The goal was to showcase her work in a visually appealing way to attract potential clients from tier 1 and tier 2 cities.
Problem Statement
Simran needed an online platform to present her portfolio, share her design philosophy, and attract new clients.
Crafted Solution
We designed a clean, luxurious, and easy-to-navigate website. It features a modern look, stunning visuals of her work, and a portfolio that tells the story of each project.
How We Reached There - The Story
The Team
Our team included a project manager, web designer, and developer.
4 months.
The website needed to be user-friendly, responsive, and visually luxurious to align with Simran’s brand image. The focus was on showcasing residential designs.
How We Reached There - The Story
Persona 1
High-end homeowners looking for unique architectural designs.
Persona 2
Property developers interested in custom, luxury designs for their projects.
Competitive Analysis:
We reviewed other architect websites in the luxury residential space, like local competitors and global firms. Many had complex, image-heavy layouts, but lacked user-friendly navigation. We aimed to combine stunning visuals with easy browsing to stand out.
Use Case Analysis:
The website’s primary use was to showcase Simran’s portfolio and attract new clients. The secondary goal was to enhance credibility and provide a platform for project inquiries.
Pain Points
Simran’s previous website did not effectively communicate her brand’s luxury appeal. Additionally, it lacked proper SEO, which limited her visibility to potential clients.
Target Audience
Our target audience was high-net-worth individuals and developers from tier 1 and tier 2 cities who are seeking bespoke, luxury residential design services.
Brainstorming & Ideation
Your Approach
Our approach was to understand Simran’s vision by focusing on how to best present her luxury residential projects. We began by mapping out user journeys, emphasizing ease of navigation while making the portfolio visually appealing.
Possible Solutions
We considered multiple design layouts, ultimately deciding on a clean and modern look with bold imagery to highlight her architectural work. Another solution was optimizing for SEO to increase visibility and attract new clients.
Final Design
Media Page Explain
This screenshot shows the Magazine tab under the Media page on Simran Boparai’s website. It features magazine covers showcasing her architectural work, each linking to a soft copy of the full article. These magazines highlight her luxury neoclassical designs and achievements.
Home Page Portfolio Section
This section of the homepage displays a portfolio loop showcasing Simran Boparai’s globally recognized architectural projects. Each project is visually represented, and the titles (like “Duke”) appear on hover, allowing users to click and explore the detailed work behind each project. The loop adds dynamic interaction, highlighting the luxury and scale of Simran’s creations.
Advance Magazine Section
This section from the homepage showcases clickable magazine covers in a loop, highlighting Simran Boparai’s features in architectural magazines. The text on the left changes as the covers scroll, reflecting the magazine’s title, like A+D – 2024. Each cover is clickable, leading to more details or a soft copy of the feature. This dynamic presentation reinforces Simran’s presence in the luxury architectural world.
The website successfully reflects Simran’s luxury brand and has helped her attract more clients and showcase her portfolio beautifully.
Scope of Improvements
Future improvements could include adding a blog for project updates and client testimonials to further engage visitors.